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Aleksey (Aleks) N. Pisarenko has a B.S. in Chemistry from York College of PA and Ph.D. in Chemistry from Miami University. Aleks has over 13 years of experience in the water industry and is a certified Grade V Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator with over 9 years of experience with operation and maintenance of Advanced Water Treatment (AWT) processes. Aleks was the lead engineer for the design, construction management, start-up, and testing of the 1.6 MGD ozone/BAC pretreatment integration to the City for San Diego’s 1 MGD Pure Water Demonstration Facility and other projects at the facility to inform the design, permitting, and optimization of operation and maintenance of the future 30 MGD North City Pure Water Facility.

For his Ph.D. work, Aleks was part of the team that investigated perchlorate ion formation in sodium hypochlorite and developed strategies to minimize potential contamination of drinking water. This work led to development of Hypochlorite Assessment Model, which can be used to predict sodium hypochlorite decomposition and formation of chlorate and perchlorate ions. During his postdoc experience at Southern Nevada Water Authority, Aleks was involved in several Water Research Foundation (WRF) projects such as 1648, 1667, and 1693 on the use of ozone in reuse as pretreatment to membrane systems, contaminant destruction and associated formation of oxidation byproducts such as Nitrosamines and Perfluoroalkyl Substances. More recently Aleks took active roles in recent WRF projects including 4765, 4832, 4991, 4954, and 5035, covering topics such as constituents of emerging concern, the use of ozone and BAC in potable reuse as a substitute to RO or as additional barriers for attenuation of chemical peaks and novel real-time event detection and response system. Aleks is a co-author of more than 27 peer-reviewed publications and over 60 technical presentations on diverse topics in potable water reuse and was Subject Matter Expert to CA-NV AWWA and CWEA Committee working on the development of AWT Operator Certification program.